Performance Tool W87030 One-Man Hand Vacuum Pump Brake Bleeder and Test Kit -New
Performance Tool Hand Vacuum Pump Brake Bleeder
Model: W87030
This brake bleeding and test kit makes it easy to test timing, bleed brakes and test vacuum-actuated accessories by yourself.
One person brake bleeding and automotive test kit.
Vacuum tool can test and diagnose a wide variety of parts and common systems on any vehicle.
Complete kit includes accessories for both brake bleeding and automotive diagnosis.
Test Ignition timing, chokes, mechanical fuel pumps, and other vacuum actuated accessories.
Pumps approximately 1 cubic inch per stroke, and develops and holds up to 25" of vacuum (Mercury Hg)
Vacuum gauge scales is in inches of Mercury (Hg)
Width: 10.0 inches
Depth: 2.8 inches
Height: 12.5 inches
Weight: 1.3 pounds